End times, Overcoming an Antichrist
GROW GENUINE THANKSGIVING REMAIN STEADFAST IN FAITH, HOPE, AND PURITY Faith means: God can do anything What you really trust in is best seen by what you reach for first when you (or someone you care about) is in pain. Trust in God guards us from the deception of antichrists. "Carrying The Cross" means carrying love in a hateful world. Persecution and trials are not God's hand of wrath or discipline. They are meant to bring out the best in us. Hold inside strong convictions that never can be touched. While demonstrating patience and love to help others see what we see. Cleanse your temple: what we worship is most easily seen by what we want most in life, and what power(s) we believe can help get us there. All true worship exalts God as the beginning of all LOVE CREATES BOLDNESS, POWER, AND CONVICTION Your life is only as strong as your experience with God and His love. Fear has it's own logic, but that doesn't mean it comes to sound conclusions. Most of the Bible ...