
Showing posts from March, 2019

God's and Our Sovereignty

You might hear some people talk about the sovereignty of God, but the way they apply it is more like fatalism or determinism, which carry the spirit of hopelessness and are a form of spiritual, mental bondage. They want to offer a poor explanation for evil, death, sickness, destruction, and unbelief in the world based upon it somehow being God's “unalterable will”. This isn't accurate. God's sovereignty has to do with His Kingdom rule – His supreme rule over all and His self-governance. He is the God above all gods and LORD above all kings, and a revealer of mysteries (Dan. 2:47). What those who wrongly apply the sovereignty of God often don't explain, is that God invites us, as Christians and as His children, into that place of Kingdom rule with Him. “...and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father.” (Revelation 1:6). A king has power and responsibility to discharge that power by upholding and extending justice and mercy and by “winnowing over evil...