God's and Our Sovereignty
You might hear some people talk
about the sovereignty of God, but the way they apply it is more like
fatalism or determinism, which carry the spirit of hopelessness and
are a form of spiritual, mental bondage. They want to offer a poor
explanation for evil, death, sickness, destruction, and unbelief in
the world based upon it somehow being God's “unalterable will”.
This isn't accurate. God's sovereignty has to do with His Kingdom
rule – His supreme rule over all and His self-governance. He is
the God above all gods and LORD above all kings, and a revealer of
mysteries (Dan. 2:47). What those who wrongly apply the sovereignty
of God often don't explain, is that God invites us, as Christians and
as His children, into that place of Kingdom rule with Him. “...and
has made us kings and priests to His God and Father.” (Revelation
1:6). A king has power and responsibility to discharge that power by
upholding and extending justice and mercy and by “winnowing over
evil” that exists in their sphere of influence so that
righteousness is exalted among the people they serve, and hope and
expectation for good arises, and evil is marginalized. A priest
speaks and appeals to God (as in intercession) on behalf of the
people they have influence over – even if it is just as a parent,
or as a city counsel member, or even a pastor. A priest also
declares, like a prophet or preacher, what God is saying to these
people. To misuse the “sovereignty of God” and suggest we are
unable to effect change in the world is essentially abdicating our
responsibility to rule as His spiritual kings and priests. When we
submit to His rule and reign over us, His rule and Melchizedek
priesthood is extended through us. His Sovereignty becomes our sovereignty. This is why He tells us that His
Kingdom is “among you” and “in you” (Luke 17:21). This is
also why He told us to pray, “Your Kingdom come, your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.” It is not merely invoking some
prayer for future millennial reign. It is an expectation for God to
do something now which extends the rule of Heaven into the earth.
This produces a multitude of consequences and answers to prayer –
healing, deliverance, miracles, salvation, breaking curses, real
prosperity, wholeness, all the fruits and gifts of His Spirit,
godliness, overcoming sin, the devil and all his works, and
decreasing the influence of the evil realm. So when I am talking
about God's sovereignty, I am speaking about His ability and will to
do the impossible, His power and love extending everywhere around me
through all my relationships and places I have authority and
influence or places I will have influence. “Sovereignty” is a
word that invokes hope and expectation for positive divine change and
progress. It indicates that God, like a powerful, loving Father will
come intervene in and through our lives to show the world that He
hears their prayers and answers with Heaven's roar.
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