The Whole Counsel of God (Why we stand with Bethel, Todd White, etc.)

We align ourselves with many other born-again, Spirit-filled Christians in the Body of Christ and honor teachers who we see as Apostolic or Prophetic leaders in the Body of Christ in our time.   Almost all of our dearest Christian friends would do likewise. Recently a movie was released which claims to point out all of the errors of some of these preachers and ministers, using such evidences to make a case that they are preaching a "false gospel".  At the same time, it is holding up the message of Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins.  I will provide this as a Scripture the Lord gave me regarding the message of the video (and similar messages):

It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so out of love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice.” (Phil. 1:15-18)

We might otherwise rejoice whenever the message of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection are preached, because the name of Jesus is exalted and lifted high, as it is in this video.  We would do the same for other messages which are seeking to lift up the cross of Christ. In this we can rejoice, even when people are doing so out of rivalry and envy. However, we cannot endorse messages which slander, accuse, and draw the legitimate sonship of children of God into question. Anyone who attacks people like Todd White, Bill Johnson, TD Jakes, myself, my wife and family and questions our standing before God as Christians -- forgiven, blood-bought children of God -- are not operating out of the Holy Spirit.  Love does not bear false witness against your neighbor.  They have no legal, spiritual authority to be calling them (us) “false teachers,” but operate more as an unauthorized inquisition. People with “Christianized” power and authority have excommunicated true servants of Christ all throughout Christian history. It is nothing new. They even did this to prophets who were before us in the Old Testament. This likely won't stop. It doesn't mean God approves or endorses it.

In Philippians, Paul's apostolic authority and ministry were very obviously defamed and accused by Christians (or else those claiming to be) who preached Christ out of selfish ambition, thus stirring up trouble for him while he was in jail for his ministry. He still (amazingly) rejoiced because the name of Jesus was exalted (Philippians 1:15-18). Others caused him a great deal of trouble, in spite of all he had suffered for the name of Jesus (2 Tim. 4:14; Gal. 6:17), including people in the very church that he pioneered in Corinth. Paul went on to write most of the New Testament. This makes me wonder: what happened to the ministries and name of those who spent all that time accusing and attacking him? What is their legacy?

There is a tendency for separatists and cessationists (or those who have grown up with this sentiment) to label anything that doesn't fit their prescribed amount of emphasis on repentance and faith in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ as a “false gospel.”  I have witnessed this many, many times. If they don't immediately hear them preach on hell, they might send their book back. Or else (in their minds) they disregard those with “too much” teaching about politics, the blessings of God, healing, gifts of the Holy Spirit, godly prosperity, emotions, the glory of God, Christ-likeness, or other areas they might not agree with, such as: Unity in the whole Body (true ecumenism), Bible versions, church government, how “Calvanistic” you are, women in ministry, style of music, drinking alcohol, dancing/expression in worship, or I've even seen things like the color of the new carpet for the church. The list goes on. I've learned to guard myself against such a tendency and leave room for the Holy Spirit to sort things out. In their view, labeling anyone as “false teachers” justifies any amount of Christianized gossip, dishonor, disrespect, lack of love, betrayal, and vilification. I would even say hatred in some instances. If you try to expose the true spiritual nature and source of their accusation, they'll likely hang up on you or stop communicating with you in any meaningful way -- modern-day "shunning".  They believe they are the ones to bring the kind of sword of division that Jesus said He was wielding (Matt. 10:34). It's not at all how Jesus taught us to treat one another, even those who disagree with us, who are children of God. They don't stop to question whether Jesus sees these people in the same way they do, or ask Holy Spirit if He thinks they are “false teachers.” I did (some years ago) and discovered I was very wrong on multiple fronts. If you want to do the hard work of relational building in the larger part of the Body of Christ, you're going to have to push past the tendency to label people in such a way that allows you to dismiss, ignore, disregard, or dishonor them without hearing God's heart over them, truly discerning what they are teaching, how He has made them, and who they are called to be. Most statements I hear regarding “false teachers” as well as suspicions toward our spiritual brother/sisterhood are really a cop-out. It really just avoids the hard work necessary to deal with conflict or disagreement in a relationship by throwing out accusations that excuse you from acknowledging the truth about someone that God really loves dearly, and discover why it is that they believe the things they do. It reminds me of the learned behavior and practices of the fundamentalist, separatist, cessationist church I grew up in, but is not reflective of how the larger Body of Christ operates and (more importantly) Biblical relational and spiritual models. The Lord addresses this kind of isolationism in Proverbs 18:1.  

We, however, seek to extend and live out the WHOLE counsel of God (Acts 20:27), and ALL that the Scriptures and Jesus taught, not a version of the Bible that emphasizes only repentance and faith in His death, burial, and resurrection to save us from hell, while subsequently nullifying or explaining away biblical concepts like physical and emotional healing, “prosperity,” deliverance from demonic influences, apostolic authority, prophecy as a spiritual gift, hearing God's communications, and other spiritual-empowered manifestations of His Holy Spirit and power. While we otherwise might rejoice in expressions which exalt the name of Jesus (regardless of the true motive – as seen in the Philippians quote), we reject and rebuke the slanderous and libacious attacks against legitimate children of God, who are servants of Christ, as well as teaching which attempts to subvert or nullify anything the Scriptures teach.

Now, I'm certain that everything that I've just communicated here (if it were placed before those who don't agree with me, like those who created or whole-heartedly endorse the video) would be turned on its head. They would say the exact opposite of what I'm saying. They would point to all the reasons why they are representative of God's perspective while I (and those we align with) are not. They would use their own doctrinal statements as authoritative and point to verses to justify themselves and their position, which subsequently accusing me of being "prideful" or not having enough "humility" to see things their way. However, this is the verse that God gave me to pass on to them regarding this:

In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good. In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval.” - 1 Corinthians 11:17-19

Different parts of the Body of Christ rely upon different elements for their spiritual (ecclesiastical) authority and the way they enforce it. Not all of these elements are God's basis for spiritual authority or are otherwise endorsed by Him. Christ is not divided. He is the Head over His whole Body, the Church. There is only One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism, and one God and Father of all. He is not the author of confusion, and is not divided against Himself. His House should not be divided for any legitimate reason. So we can't all be right and we can't just “agree to disagree”. Cessationists and continuists cannot be both right. Anti-NAR and those who honor Apostolic and Prophetic offices today can't both be right. The two camps cannot be both right. That is why I rest upon this: God will fulfill His promises to demonstrate His favor over those who have His approval, in contrast to those who are merely relying upon their own understanding and doctrine, or otherwise.  I will leave you with one last passage, which I also provided to a brother who opposed me some time ago. I give it to you as it applies to those we have specifically embraced as leaders in the Body of Christ in our time. Some you don't know about; others which they might mistakenly consider to be “false teachers”.

But a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a teacher of the law, who was honored by all the people, stood up in the Sanhedrin and ordered that the men be put outside for a little while. Then he addressed the Sanhedrin: “Men of Israel, consider carefully what you intend to do to these men. Some time ago Theudas appeared, claiming to be somebody, and about four hundred men rallied to him. He was killed, all his followers were dispersed, and it all came to nothing. After him, Judas the Galilean appeared in the days of the census and led a band of people in revolt. He too was killed, and all his followers were scattered. Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God.”” (Acts 5:34-39)

Gamaliel, even as an unbeliever (or so we presume), showed great insight and wisdom here. I am confident that ministries and movements which are of human origin will fail. I am less quick to judge specific prominent leaders as I used to be -- until I have had a significant amount of time to judge their teachings and life. We have spent many years pouring over and discerning ministries that others quickly throw out because of a Youtube video they watched or some snippet taken out of context, without considering the larger breadth of their ministry and teachings. We don't feel like this kind of knee-jerk response is wisdom.  True humility possess (with it) boldness.  It does not mean cowering.  It doesn't mean submission to fear, accusations, a religious spirit, or legalism.  We must humble ourselves before His power, His glory, His miracles, His ability to do the impossible, His infinite love, His goodness, His prophetic word, and what He says about us (identity).  True humility embraces what HE says about us, above our own self-image (He is greater than our hearts, even if our hearts condemn us), and especially above other peoples' opinions and judgments.  Humility listens to His voice of love and His perspective over us, not the enemy's.  

Melissa, I, and our family will continue to remain in what God has said and continues to say about us – that we are His dearly loved children, forgiven, not forgotten or cut-off from fellowship with Him and His Body, regardless of how anyone, including any of the family, treats us.

We will continue to give words of encouragement and prophecy, regardless of how they are received, because the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy, and it demonstrates His love and connectedness to Him and His desire to connect with those around us.

We will continue to pray for everyone to come to full faith and repentance from sin (every violation of Love and everything that falls short of His glory), repentance from a form of godliness that lacks power, repentance from dead works, and unbelief. We will pray for a repentance toward and into a full experience of His love, grace, and freedom, and His Holy Spirit. We resist a spirit that totes a form of godliness and a false "humility", but lacks measurable power against sin and its effects, against evil in the world, and against demonic strongholds.

We will continue to pray for the sick and all who are oppressed by the devil in any fashion (regardless of what breakthroughs we have or have not seen) – to see that Jesus gets the full reward of His sufferings and what He paid for (as the Moravians affirmed). We will seek to live out and extend the full benefits of the sacrifice of Jesus – to break every curse and undo the works of the devil, even asking Him to raise the dead.

We will continue to seek His biblical-based prosperity and blessings in our lives, because He delights in doing so, and also because the 'prosperity' and 'blessing' of carnal people and the evil realm is a poor substitute for His favor and grace.

We will continue to stand by our friends, brothers and sisters, ministry partners, and leaders in the Body of Christ who demonstrate real faith, compassion, and walk in a clear, authentic demonstration of the Holy Spirit and His power, not as others – merely in human words, intellect, or debate. These are people with common Biblical life values and who genuinely care about us and celebrate who God has made us to be.

This includes local and international ministries who remain under Biblical-based church government such as outlined in Ephesians 4: Bethel (Bill Johnson), Iris (Heidi & Rolland Baker), Todd White, Shawn Bolz/Expression 58 Church, Paul Arends, Scott Johnston, Brad Brittsan, Bobby Conner, Kim Maas, Randy Clark, Lance Wallnau, Benny Hinn, and many, many others who align themselves with the same kind of spiritual authority under the Scriptures (Ephesians 4) and Jesus Christ.

We are encouraged by His promises -- that even these will all work together for good for those who love Him, and are called according to His purpose. The door He closes, no person can open, and the one He opens, no one can shut. All that He began in us, He is going to finish. I am hopeful for the good future that He has for us -- a grand plan to prosper us and not to harm us. He has never left us or forsaken us. Nothing will separate us from His love. We love you all dearly.

Peace and Grace in Jesus Christ our Lord,

Brian & Melissa


  1. You said a lot there!

    We all see in a glass darkly.

    God is LOVE.

    Interesting that those who malign other ministries are not doing so in love which is at the center of the Gospel.

    1. Thanks @Sparky -- I agree completely. Hope your electrical business is "hot".

  2. This is wonderful. The Lord touched me in a dream last night, and I believe that somehow what I read today was a part of that. In particular the portion on humility. Thanks so much for posting this.


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