Anointing was done for various purposes -- medical, honoring, for hygiene (in the same way we might use perfume or deodorant), and for dedicating/consecrating. Esther and Ruth both prepared themselves to met their men with oils. When people were mourning, they would abstain from the use of oil (and/or perfume).
Priests and kings were ordained/dedicated to their office through an anointing. Also, the vessels in the tabernacle and temples were anointing as they were being dedicated for their holy use. Sometimes places, special altars, or memorials were anointed to indicate they were special/holy.
All of this is very symbolic of our spiritual callings -- we are dedicated as kings and priests before God. And He has anointed us with His Holy Spirit, and with His gifts as holy vessels in His service.
Jesus was anointed by Mary, with her alabaster box of perfume -- an extreme act of honor and love for Him. This was also what was done for him before his death (since this was the custom in preparing the body after death).
The word Messiah (or Christ in Greek), literally means "Anointed One". By extension, Christians are "anointed ones".
In terms of spiritual use of praying using oil, one of the most significant verses is James 5:14:
"Is anyone among you sick? Let them call the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of the Lord."
There is clearly a connection between anointing with oil and healing. It is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, and the spiritual gifts He gives the Church (references below).
From Nave's Topical Bible:
Of the body
Deuteronomy 28:40 ; Ruth 3:3 ; Esther 2:12 ; Psalms 92:10 ; 104:15 ; 141:5 ; Proverbs 27:9 Proverbs 27:16 ; Ecclesiastes 9:8 ; Solomon 1:3 ; 4:10 ; Isaiah 57:9 ; Amos 6:6 ; Micah 6:15
Of guests
2 Chronicles 28:15 ; Luke 7:46
Of the sick
Isaiah 1:6 ; Mark 6:13 ; Luke 10:34 ; James 5:14 ; Revelation 3:18
Of the dead
Matthew 26:12 ; Mark 14:8 ; 16:1 ; Luke 23:56
Of Jesus, as a token of love
Luke 7:37 Luke 7:38 Luke 7:46 ; John 11:2 ; 12:3
Omitted in mourning
2 Samuel 12:20 ; 14:2 ; Isaiah 61:3 ; Daniel 10:3
God Preserves those who receive
Psalms 18:50 ; 20:6 ; 89:20-23
Saints receive
Isaiah 61:3 ; 1 John 2:20
Exodus 29:7 Exodus 29:29 ; 40:13 ; Leviticus 6:20 ; 8:12 ; 16:32 ; Numbers 35:25 ; Psalms 133:2
Exodus 28:41 ; 30:30 ; 40:15 ; Leviticus 4:3 ; 8:30 ; Numbers 3:3
Judges 9:8; Judges 9:15
Saul - 1 Samuel 9:16 ; 10:1 ; 15:1
David - 1 Samuel 16:3 1 Samuel 16:12 1 Samuel 16:13 ; 2 Samuel 2:4 ; 5:3 ; 12:7 ; 19:21 ; 1 Chronicles 11:3
Solomon - 1 Kings 1:39 ; 1 Chronicles 29:22
Jehu - 1 Kings 19:16 ; 2 Kings 9:1-3 2 Kings 9:6 2 Kings 9:12
Hazael - 1 Kings 19:15
Joash - 2 Kings 11:12 ; 2 Chronicles 23:11
Jehoahaz - 2 Kings 23:30
Cyrus - Isaiah 45:1
Exodus 30:26 ; 40:9 ; Leviticus 8:10 ; Numbers 7:1
-Altars of
Exodus 30:26-28 ; 40:10 ; Leviticus 8:11 ; Numbers 7:1
-Vessels of
Exodus 30:27 Exodus 30:28 ; Exodus 40:9 Exodus 40:10 ; Leviticus 8:10 Leviticus 8:11 ; Numbers 7:1
Genesis 28:18 ; 31:13 ; 35:14
-Of Christs kingly and priestly office
Psalms 45:7 ; 89:20 ; Isaiah 61:1 ; Daniel 9:24 ; Luke 4:18 ; Acts 4:27 ; 10:38 ; Hebrews 1:9
-Of spiritual gifts2 Corinthians 1:21 ; 1 John 2:20 1 John 2:27
Exodus 40:13-15 ; Leviticus 8:12 ; 1 Samuel 16:13 ; 1 Kings 19:16
Of Jesus
Matthew 26:7-12 ; John 12:3-7
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