
Showing posts from May, 2023

Re-imagining Seats of Power

Where are the seats of effectual governing power in modern time? I don't mean what we learn about in civics class, or even what the original framers imagined. I mean, where does real power exist to influence populations, whether legitimate or not? (I believe this is something conservatives have overlooked for decades. They simply point to the constitution all the time, saying "this isn't how it's supposed to be." Meanwhile progressives look for loopholes and ways to exploit and wield power that nullify or alter seats of influence). I think of things like: Supreme court decisions that STILL have the effect of legislation (despite a conservative/originalist leaning); corporate power over its employees, customers, and lobbying power/Big Tech; Big-Pharma and it's power/control over health; CDC executive/legislative virtual power or emergency power; power of media; etc. What else can we think of? Technocrats User I want to have a discussion about the real ...

Jesus, the Eternal King of Israel and King of Kings

The highest form of government is Christ's Kingdom , since He is the King of kings and Lord of lords. The fullness of this will culminate when Christ returns and He rules on the earth during the Millennial kingdom with His saints.  Jesus the Messiah (Christ) is the Seed of David and the only rightful heir to the throne of David and the government of all of Israel.  He inherited an unbroken lineage and kingdom and is the final and eternal King of Israel , the King of all the Jewish people.  We exalt His Supreme, Exalted Majesty, and pray for the eternal Kingdom to once again be established among the Jewish people, to be recognized by them.  They will “honor me before the whole world.”  (Is. 43:21).  He is the King of all rulers, and all power is His (Zech. 14:9; Isaiah 6; Rev. 19:16).  We pray that Your kingdom would come and your will be done over and through the political sphere in Israel, and in all the kingdoms of the Earth (Matt. 6:10).  They...

31 Days of Prayer and Declaration for Israel (May 2023)

  31 Days of Prayer and Declaration for Israel (May 2023) We ask that love, prayer and intercession for Israel and for the Jewish people would unbelievably increase over the next month and be sustained until eternity. Raise up intercessors for Israel throughout the world. Put more watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, who will give You no peace day or night until You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). Holy Spirit, as you are poured out on all flesh (Joel, Acts 2), move on your people and enlist us in Joel's army (Joel 2) – to groan, travail, and intercede for your people, Israel. Prompt us to pray with our minds and with our spirits (and in tongues). Romans 8:26-27: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” Holy Spirit, pray for us in ways that we don't even kno...