31 Days of Prayer and Declaration for Israel (May 2023)


31 Days of Prayer and Declaration for Israel (May 2023)

  1. We ask that love, prayer and intercession for Israel and for the Jewish people would unbelievably increase over the next month and be sustained until eternity. Raise up intercessors for Israel throughout the world. Put more watchmen on the walls of Jerusalem, who will give You no peace day or night until You establish Jerusalem and make her the praise of the earth (Isaiah 62:6-7). Holy Spirit, as you are poured out on all flesh (Joel, Acts 2), move on your people and enlist us in Joel's army (Joel 2) – to groan, travail, and intercede for your people, Israel. Prompt us to pray with our minds and with our spirits (and in tongues). Romans 8:26-27: “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through groanings that cannot be expressed in words.” Holy Spirit, pray for us in ways that we don't even know or understand. Jesus make intercession on our behalf and on behalf of the Jewish people. (Rom. 8:34). Direct our prayers, give us wisdom and insight in how to pray, according to Your specific will and purposes. We declare: “The Lord will not forsake His people for His great Name's sake, because it has pleased the Lord to make Israel His people” (I Samuel 12:22). Use us Lord to help others understand Your plan for Israel and Your love for the Jewish People.

  2. We pray for wisdom and understanding and agreement with Your theology over these last days (eschatology). We pray that You would tear down mindsets and theologies that are contrary to Your perspective over what will unfold, about Israel, what will happen in the future, and the part that we play as kings and priests who possess Your/Our Kingdom (Daniel 7:18). Deliver us from an escapist and fear-based perspective of the future (1 Tim. 1:7; Jer. 29:11). Help us to have an understanding of the times and to know what we out to do (1 Chronicles 12:32). We proclaim that those of us who know You will be strong and carry out great exploits (Daniel 11:32). We proclaim victory over the enemy by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony, and our willingness to give our lives for Your sake (Rev. 12:11). Give insight from your modern apostles and prophets (and 5-fold) to guide your Ekklesia toward a hope-filled and victorious perspective of the future of Israel and Your Ekklesia. Raise up "sons of Zion" who take God's Word seriously in opposition to the humanism of the “sons of Greece”. (Zechariah 9:13).

  1. We Pray that the veil will be lifted from off the eyes of the Jewish people in this hour, that they will see Him whom they have pierced, repent and put their faith fully in Yeshua/Jesus (2 Corinthians 3:14). We proclaim Zechariah 12:10 over Israel: “And I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication. They will look on me, the one they have pierced, and they will mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and grieve bitterly for him as one grieves for a firstborn son.” We pray that the Cross would be lifted up, that Yeshua/Jesus would be lifted up in the Land of Israel, and that He would draw all of them to Himself (John 12:32). We ask, Father, that you would draw all of the Jewish people to yourself (John 6:44), and we proclaim that “All Israel will be saved.” (Rom. 11:25)

  1. We Pray that extraordinary and awesome miracles and healings by the name of Jesus Christ (Yeshua HaMoshiach) manifest in Israel and among the Jewish people world-wide, so that they once again are confronted with the reality of their King and Messiah. We ask You to renew this prayer over Your Ekklesia: “Stretch out your hand to heal and perform signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly.” (Acts 4:29-31)

  1. We Declare: Jesus the Messiah (Christ) is the Seed of David and the only rightful heir to the throne of David and the government of all of Israel. He inherited an unbroken lineage and kingdom and is the final and eternal King of Israel, the King of all the Jewish people. We exalt His Supreme, Exalted Majesty, and pray for the eternal Kingdom to once again be established among the Jewish people, to be recognized by them. They will “honor me before the whole world.” (Is. 43:21). He is the King of all rulers, and all power is His (Zech. 14:9; Isaiah 6; Rev. 19:16). We pray that Your kingdom would come and your will be done over and through the political sphere in Israel. They are under Your sovereign domain. We pray for radical changes to realign Israel's government with Your purposes and reign. Guide the decisions of the courts, of the Knesset, and the Prime Minister and all the local governing authorities to be in accordance with Your will and purposes in heaven. End divisiveness and bring about unity and cooperation with You. We pray for the current leaders in Israel, including the Prime Minister, the mayor of Jerusalem, and all those in the military service – for great wisdom and revelation. Raise up government leaders in Israel (and world-wide) who will recognize Yeshua and the unique significance of Jerusalem in God's end-time purposes.

  1. We pray that God will send forth workers into the harvest fields of the Jewish people – both Jews and Gentile believers in Messiah (Matt. 9:38). We pray that they will be united as one force against the gates of hell, not breaking rank (Joel 2:8), against the spiritual forces and the doctrines of demons and men that oppose and suppress the truth (Rom. 1). We pray that any ethnic/racial walls be removed, so they all work together as One (John 17). We bless believing expatriates in the Land of Israel who are there on Your assignment. Help them align well with Your plan and purposes. Direct their steps. Move their hearts, and cause intercession, evangelism, discipleship, and a demonstrations of Your Spirit and power to flow continually through them. Bless them to prosper in the Land and to have the support, encouragement, and resources that they need to be effective in their ministries. Help them to support and encourage Your purposes and be One with You and other believers in the Land.

  1. We pray for all the believers, congregations, and Messianic/Christian organizations throughout the Land of Israel and among the Jewish people – that they will increase in their stature (good exposure), in wisdom/discernment), and in favor with God and people (Luke 2:52). We ask for legal, political, and social favor, so that they will continue to preach the Good News with boldness, power, and unashamedness (Rom. 1:16), especially to children. We pray for the Messianic Jewish Alliance in Israel to have great unity of heart, vision, and resources. We pray for the spirit of unity - for peace to flow between believers in the land. (Psalm 133). We pray for a complete union with You and wholeness of mind, body, soul, and spirit – in their whole beings as a testimony of Your complete work of salvation – saving them to the “uttermost” (Heb. 7:25). We pray for teachings and discipleship that will under-gird this as well.

  2. We pray for the Messianic and Christian educational institutions in Israel – especially Israel College of the Bible and Bethlehem Bible College. We bless them to be dynamic and relevant. We bless their students to be raised up as intelligent and powerful ministers of the Gospel. We bless believers in every area of education to have influence and persuasive power to impart Truth and wisdom to the next generation. God raise up elders and young leaders to teach and train the new generation of Israelis who are coming to faith in their Messiah, to be complete disciples - to perform all that Yeshua commanded His disciples to do (Matt. 28:20), to walk in maturity and a fullness of Your giftings, character, nature and power, to teach not just with words of human wisdom but a demonstration of Your Spirit and power (1 Cor. 2:4).

  3. We bless women in ministry throughout the land of Israel. Raise them up, Lord; cause them to have favor and influence as important parts in Your Body. Tear down bad theology, demonic influences, and traditions of men which have inhibited their voice and expression and a proper honoring of them. Build up a renewed mindset according to Your will and purposes that embraces their ministry, ordination, qualification, anointings, and callings in Your whole Body.

  4. We pray for protection against attacks from YadLa'him and other anti-missionary, anti-messiah groups and efforts. We bind the works of “the loser” and his agents. Lord, confuse and confound their efforts. We ask that many of them, like Saul/Paul would have their own “Damascus Experience” and become radical followers of the Way.

  1. We pray for Jewish children and children in Israel – that they will be reached with the Gospel, in spite of laws which try to inhibit this. Bless youth camps, and children's programs, and the relationships that believing adults and children have with other Jewish kids. Create opportunities for faith in Yeshua to be expressed clearly to them with love and power. Protect their innocence. Heal them from trauma and emotional wounds. Raise them up as spiritual warriors who serve Your plans and purposes in this generation. Pour out Your Spirit upon all the people in Israel - especially upon the young people so Your works can be declared to future generations (Ps.102:18). We declare Jeremiah 29:11 over them -- a future and a hope and cut off any spirit of depression or suicide in the Land, especially over youth.

  2. We pray for protection for Israel as a nation-state and for Jewish people, specifically. Cause Israel to trust in You, not in chariots and horses, or their military might (Zechariah 4:6).We condemn antisemitism and bind the demonic forces which seek to persecute, kill, or annihilate God's People, the Jews. Israel is forever! Renew the covenant between American and Israel, and other "sheep" nations who love and favor Israel.  Guide the Israeli Defense Forces to intercept and annihilate every plan, plot, and intent of their enemies to bring death, theft, and destruction in the land. Stop and disarm every suicide bomber. We take power over all the power of the enemy and unleash the host of heaven to raise up a banner of victory: "When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him (Isaiah 59:19).

  3. Vindicate Your people and restore everything that has been lost, stolen, or destroyed, especially the Land. Give back places of dominion and inheritance that were promised to Abraham and Moses in Genesis 15:18-21 (also Numbers 34:1-12; Ezekiel 47:13-20), where God tells Abraham:: "To your offspring I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates.” Raise up builders who will rebuild the ancient ruins (Is. 61:4), and cause all of Israel to flourish again. (Isaiah 35:1-2)

  4. We bind up and cast down the powers, propaganda and lies of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions Campaign (BDS) and similar efforts. Lord, express Your glory and power over Israel and fight on their behalf against every type of warfare – physical, psychological, financial, and others. Confound and disrupt the protests, demonstrations, and plans against Israel and Jewish people. We declare Isaiah 5:17 - “no weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from me,” declares the LORD.”

  5. We declare the sovereignty and independence of Israel from any globalist or international alliance which undermines God's will and purpose over Israel. Destroy and divide the tongues of those who would incite violence against Israel (Psalm 55:9). In the Name of Yeshua/Jesus, we bind every false religion and false doctrine that does not acknowledge Your eternal plan for the land and people of Israel. “The Lord brings the counsel of the nations to nothing; He makes their plans of no effect (Psalm 33:10). We declare that God's purposes for Israel will be completely fulfilled and that He will be glorified. We pray that the three spiritual forces of humanism, marxism-socialist (materialism-science) philosophy and the spiritual inheritance of the Ottoman Empire will be broken and rendered powerless.

  6. We pray for the return (Aliyah) of Jewish people to their homeland, in fulfillment of your prophetic word (Ezek. 36:24). We declare God's Word to the Promised offspring of Abraham (Isaac) is valid and binding today – for Land, seed, and blessing. Genesis 17:7-8 - "I will establish my covenant between me and you and your offspring after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your offspring after you. And I will give to you and to your offspring after you the land of your sojournings, all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God." "He who scattered Israel will gather him; and will keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock" (Jeremiah 31:10). Father, continue to draw the Jewish people to Yourself according to Your sovereign plan.

  7. We declare all of your promises for Israel and the Jewish people are “yes and amen” and are for today (1 Cor. 1:20). We pray that You would remember all of Your covenants and promises towards Israel, especially when others rise up against her to swallow her alive. When their wrath is kindled against her, the waters will not overwhelm her. God will not give her as a prey to their teeth (Psalm 124). Show Your loving kindness to Your people Israel and keep them as the apple of Your eye. Hide them under the shadow of Your wings, from the wicked who oppress them, from their deadly enemies who surround them (Psalm 17, 7-9). Fulfill all that you promised to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and to your servant David and to us through the whole counsel of Your Word.

  8. We pray for the salvation of Jewish people – for deliverance and forgiveness and complete deliverance from their sins and demonic oppressions (especially religious spirits), for freedom from all addictions, bad theologies, and doctrines of demons or man-made doctrines or traditions which negate the Word of God (Mark 7:13) and His power (1 Cor. 1:17). We declare that Yeshua came to undo all the work of the loser (1 John 3:8). "Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord brings back the captivity of His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad." (Psalm 14:7, NKJV). The scepter of the wicked will not remain over the land allotted to the righteous (Psalm 125:3). Father, break the strongholdsof religion, pride and wickedness that seek to control Israel. Father, in Your mercy vanquish the tremendously powerful religious spirits in the whole territory - Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other.

  1. Sanctify Your Great Name, which has been profaned among the nations, which has been profaned in the midst of Israel. That nations shall know that the Lord alone is God (Is. 37:20), when He is sanctified in Israel before their eyes. Sprinkle the clean water of Your Word on Israel and cleanse her from her filthiness and from all of her idols, including abortion and the occult. Give Israel a new heart, and put a new spirit within her. Remove her heart of stone and give her a heart of flesh that can respond to the Holy Spirit, and cause her to walk in Your statues, keep Your commandments and do them (Ezekiel 36:23-27).

  1. We pray that the Gentiles will be fully brought in, that every tongue, tribe, and nation will receive the Good News (Matt.24:14) and will provoke the Jewish people to believe in their own Messiah, like life from the dead (Rom. 11:15). We especially bless the descendants of Ishmael (Arab people, Palestinians, and Muslim people as well) and every people group living in the Land. We ask for an unbelievable harvest among these who are also the descendents of Abraham. We remind You of Your Word over Ishmael to bless him (Genesis 17:20), and assert that this most certainly should include the blessing of spiritual salvation. We pray that the Palestinian Arabs will come to full faith in Messiah and embrace God's end-time purpose for Israel.

  2. We pray for the peace/shalom of Jerusalem (Shalom = "peace, harmony, wholeness, completeness, prosperity, and welfare”) (Ps. 122:6). We pray against attacks, conflict, chaos, and unrest in the city. We ask for Your presence to rest upon the city, and to bring harmony among all the people, even those who don't know You. When enemies surround Jerusalem, we ask for Zech. 12:8 - “On that day the LORD will shield those who live in Jerusalem, so that the feeblest among them will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the LORD going before them.”

  3. We pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit throughout the Land of Israel and among the Jewish people – for dreams, visions, visitations, and supernatural manifestations and signs that confirm Your Word to Your people. Baptize and Fill every believer to overflowing with Your gifts, your fruits, and with power (Eph. 1). We pray for an increase of angelic activity and encounters (your ministers of fire) – for protection, guidance, revelation, and comfort/healing. (Heb. 1:4). Pour out your Spirit on all flesh, according to Joel 2 and Acts 2.

  4. We pray for the 7 mountains in Israel – family, religion, education, media, entertainment, business, and government.; we also pray for science, technology. We proclaim Your prosperity and blessing over these mountains – that Your plans and purposes would prevail, and that Your glory would be seen in these spheres of culture. We ask for a complete transformation of these spheres, for Your “Daniels, Esthers, and Josephs” to be sent as influencers and catalysts for change according to the blueprint of heaven over Israel. 32. We pray for the Body of Messiah in Israel to become a praying, mature Body. We pray this Body would allow the love and compassion of Yeshua to flow through them and touch everyone they encounter, especially in the marketplace throughout the Land and the world.

  5. We pray for the Mountain of the Lord to be lifted up in the Land of Israel (Is. 2:2-3). We declare that many will flock to Your holy mountain, and that Your Word (and the fullness of the Gospel with signs and wonders) would “go out from Jerusalem”. We pray for clear, empowered teaching and a demonstration of Your Spirit and power.

  6. We proclaim Your Goodness over Israel and the Jewish people, according to Your Word, that “Afterward the Israelites will return and seek the LORD their God and David their king [Yeshua]. They will come trembling to the LORD and to his blessings in the last days.”  (Hosea 3:5). We proclaim the goodness and blessings of God and Your kindness that leads people to repentance. “"Do the riches of his extraordinary kindness make you take him for granted and despise him? Haven’t you experienced how kind and understanding he has been to you? Don’t mistake his tolerance for acceptance. Do you realize that all the wealth of his extravagant kindness is meant to melt your heart and lead you into repentance?" (Romans 2:4 TPT). Lord, show Your mercy and favor to Israel in this set time (Psalm 102:13). We speak, comfort, comfort over Israel (Is. 40:1).

  7. We pray for divinely orchestrated Healing all across the land of Israel and the Jewish people – in their bodies, minds, souls, and spirits. We pray for the actualization of Isaiah 53: “Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows...But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.” and Matt. 8:17: “"He took up our infirmities and carried our diseases." Heal them of the generational trauma and release them from generational curses and demonic oppression. Cause the blind to see, the lame to walk, and the dead to be raised, for Your glory. As the Body of Yeshua walks in the Land of Israel again, may it express the works of Yeshua and “greater works” (John 14:12). Deliver them from demons and the traditions of men, which are not according to Your Word or your Spirit.

  8. We bless small businesses and the finances of Jews, especially Messianic Jews, both inside and outside of Israel. We bless them to prosper, have innovative and creative ideas that come to full fruition. Build their wealth and influence for Your Kingdom's purpose and for Your glory. Father, bring glory to Your Name through the mercy You show to the Land. Bring the necessary seasonal rain upon the country. Cause the crops to be bountiful. We speak blessings upon blessings over the land, agriculture, and industry.

  9. We bless the arts: music and musicians, creatives and movie makers, craftsmen and artists throughout the land of Israel, especially Messianic believers. Help them to have creative inspiration and produce works that change the atmosphere, move hearts, and stir the spirits of people throughout the Land of Israel and the world toward You. Bless them to have income and support through their work.

  10. We bless the media inside and outside of Israel to be full of Your truth and perspective over them. Cause media sources and outlets to be raised up which overwhelm propaganda and lies perpetuated by Israel's enemies. Let Your narrative reign supreme in the minds and hearts of all the earth! Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion. Let them be as grass upon the housetops, which wither before it grows up (Psalm 129:5-5). Lord, deal justly and swiftly with Your enemies. We rebuke every tongue that rises up in judgement (Isaiah 54:17).

  11. We bless families throughout Israel and the Jewish people. We proclaim Your plan and design for families, for gender, for sexuality, and for the home. We ask for a renewal of Your design to be taught and embraced throughout the Land. Raise up cultural warriors who will articulate, legislate, and influence the culture to turn back to You, in a way that protects the sanctity of marriage and the family as You intended. Protect marriages from spiritual, financial, legal, and physical attacks. Bring grace and healing to wounded families. Bring about unity and reconciliation among families.

  12. We bless the Jewish people in our local area, where we live. We pray for a demonstration of Your love and compassion for them, and for the Truth of their Messiah and King Yeshua to reach them in His fullness. Specifically (in the Flathead Valley, Montana), we pray for the salvation of all of them: those in the Chabad - Shneur Wolf (wife Chana, son Leib); Bruk & Chavie (Chana's sister) in Bozeman; those at B'nai Shalom (Glacier Jewish Community) and Beit Harim (Jewish Community of the Flathead Valley); Francine Green Roston; Amy Cohen Bauman; Steve Carr; Jim Roth; Randy Leventhal; Matt Rottenberg; Link Neimark; David Marx; Mik & Sara Block; Bernie Fasso; Eric F Kaplan; Cassandra Gumpert; Diane Magedman; Eileen Kimball; Debbie Steinberg.

Some ideas adapted from: Derek Prince proclamations


Pray for the salvation of the Jews—that they would return to the land and to the Lord. People that pray for Israel receive a special blessing (see Genesis 12:3).

Thank you for the fulfillment of end-time prophecies regarding Israel:

the re-birth of the state of Israel in May of 1948,

and the liberation of the old city of Jerusalem in June of 1967 (see Isaiah 66:8; Luke 21:24).

The increase of the Messianic movement among Jews, both inside and outside of Israel

The recognition of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel.

"Now if their fall is riches for the world, and their failure riches for the Gentiles, how much more their fullness!" (Romans 11:12, NKJV)

"...if their being cast away is the reconciling of the world," their acceptance (of the Messiah) will be as "life from the dead"! (vs. 15)

After Israel is restored, "...the nations shall know that I am the LORD..." (Ezekiel 36:23, NKJV).


"Salvation has come to the house of Israel! Salvation has come to the house of Israel! Salvation has come to the house of Israel! SALVATION HAS COME TO THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL!"

"Oh, that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the Lord brings back the captivity of His people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad." (Psalm 14:7, NKJV)


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