Revolutionize the Medical Industry

These are things that I think about:

What would the medical industry look like if doctors and medical businesses were rewarded and given incentives for curing people of illnesses?

what if their profits were driven to encourage them to find cures in the quickest way possible instead of being held in Shackles by the pharmaceutical industry?

what if they were paid less whenever a treatment they prescribe did not work?

What if oncologists weren't given Kickbacks for every time they prescribe chemotherapy?

Would we find a cure for cancer?

Would we find a cure for AIDS?

What cures are already available that aren't being administered because it's less profitable for the doctor or for the pharmaceutical industry?

What if every conflict of interest was removed and doctors were given full license to practice what they were meant to do... to help people be well and in their best health?

What would birth and natal care look like there wasn't such a financial incentive to perform as many C-sections or perform as many procedures in birth?

What if midwives and natural practitioners were given the credence they deserve backed by Real Results?

What if doctors had more incentive to do their job to the best of their ability rather than an incentive to make more money to pay off School debts or keep the Medical industrial complex afloat?

What is Extreme Health? what would Optimal Health look like if the healthiest people in the world were studied?

Regions of health:






Financial occupational

Physical health areas:

heart and lung endurance or cardiovascular endurance,

muscular strength,

muscular endurance,

flexibility, and

body composition

metabolism flexibility strength endurance mental and physical capacity breathing agility balance nutrition


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