Of World and Heaven - Earth Day Poem

Of World and Heaven

We are stewards, guardians of a vast domain.
Wild, unexplored, unknown, untamed.

To everything, a season.
And time for everything.
Have we died more than lived, hated
More than loved?

Broken down, more than built,
Cast away, more than gathered,
Lost, more than found,
Cast away more than treasured?

Weeped, more than laughed,
Mourned, more than danced,
Warred, more than peaced,
Loved less, more than chanced?

Silenced, more than listened,
Plucked up more than sown,
Killed, more than healed,
Rent, more than sewn.

Conquered the earth without replenishing,
Wasted what in hunt and gathering.
Do we care about others again,
Considering our children's kin?

We are stewards, guardians, the damage -- done.
The task insurmountable, impossibly undone.

With face in the dirt, we invoke the Creator:
Heaven come down, heal our land.
Remove our guilt, and hear us,
Transform us, make us new.
Produce and increase life,
And the most sacred resource -- love.


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