Easter Book Reviews

The Holy Bible

While this might seem an obvious choice of a book to read about the Resurrection holiday and its prequel (Passover), most individuals will probably not dust its cover outside of a church context. Despite its millenia-span influence, many have never read the whole Bible (some surveys say only about 25% in America); every other book about the holiday will inevitably quote it or reference it. Eye witness statements about Jesus, the crucifixion, and resurrection are contained in the Four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) toward the end of each book. Each book highlights various angles of the story. Different versions and languages can be read for free here:

Christ in the Passover – by Ceil & Moishe Rosen

This book is a fantastic overview of the Jewish Passover traditions that foreshadowed the Messiah's coming. The Last Supper was, in fact, a Jewish Sedar meal, as the disciples and Jesus were keeping the feast. Moishe & Ceil came to believe in Jesus, having been raised in an orthodox Jewish background. Moishe founded “Jews for Jesus” and spent his life delivering the message of the resurrected Jesus and clarifying Jewish elements and foundations of the Christian faith in life and other writings. They both provide a wealth of knowledge in highlighting the symbols and messages in the Passover that are invaluable to Christians and anyone seeking to fully understand the events surrounding Christ's death and resurrection. A Spanish and English version are available on their website, but can be found elsewhere as well:

Bought with Blood – by Derek Prince

This is probably one of the best books regarding the Divine purpose and importance of the crucifixion of Christ. Jesus' death on the cross was unique in what it accomplishes for mankind, especially for those who believe in Jesus. Educated at Eton College and Cambridge University, Prince was an expert international Bible teacher, knowledgeable in Jewish language, culture, and history. The book highlights nine exchanges that take place at the Cross: forgiveness and healing, righteousness for sin, life for death, blessing for curse, abundance for poverty, glory for shame, acceptance for rejection, the new man for the old man. Prince also shows five aspects of deliverance the Cross offers: from the evil age, from law and self, from the sinful nature, and from the world. He gives very practical and experiential advice on how to appropriate all that God offers. The book can be purchased through their ministry website as well as other sites in English and Spanish, as well as many other languages through their ministry: http://derekprince.org/Store/Products/1000034308/DPM_Store/The_Cross/The_Cross/Bought_with_Blood.aspx

Eat My Flesh, Drink My Blood – by Ana Mendez Ferrell

Ferrell delves into the deeper, personal meaning behind one of the most important Christian traditions that relate to the Crucifixion: the Communion or Eucharist. She draws out the spiritual meaning behind who Jesus is to us today – alive and powerful, thus making the sacrament more than just ritual. Originally from Mexico, she carries a powerful testimony of being transformed from Voodooism and mental illness to wholeness through following Christ. She tackles one of the most difficult sayings of Jesus with eloquence: "Most assuredly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink His blood, you have no life in you.” The book can be purchased in English and Spanish directly from her site, as well as others:

He Still Moves Stones – by Max Lucado (also John 3:16 and He Chose the Nails by the same author)

Drawing upon the modern reality of a risen Savior, Lucado offers a message of genuine hope and friendship with a personal God. As a seasoned pastor at Oak Hills Church of Christ in San Antonio, and best-selling, popular Christian author, Lucado's style is very relational and warming, reminding us of a God who is just as loving and real today and the day that He moved away the stone from Jesus' tomb. His elaboration upon the Resurrection and relevant “stones” (overcoming shame, discouragement, disappointment, problems, legalism, hopelessness, and others) is powerful, moving, and not-to-be-missed. You might also enjoy other books listed above that relate to Christ's passion, which can be purchased from his site, as well as others:

Islam and the Cross – by Samuel Zwemer
Samuel Marinus Zwemer (1867-1952) ministered for 40 years in the Muslim world, then became professor of missions at Princeton. As an expert in the Bible as well as the Qur'an, Zwemer's writings are timely treasures for our generation. He helps the reader to understand Islam and intelligently and respectfully represent the events of the Passion and Resurrection of the Christ to the Arab world. Amazon carries copies of it for sale:

The Cross of Christ – by John Stott
Stott, an English Christian leader and Anglican cleric, was listed in
Time magazine in 2005 as one of the most influential people in the world. He helped author “The Lausanne Covenant”, an important evangelistic inter-church agreement in 1974. Written in pure apostolic fashion, the book itself describes approaching the Cross, the heart of the Cross, the achievement of the Cross, and living under the Cross in great detail.

What's So Amazing about Grace - Philip Yancey

The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus by Lee. Strobel

The Blood Speaks - Larry Huggins

Power And Purpose In The Wounds Of Jesus – E. Samuel Mohanraj

Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross: Experiencing the Passion and Power of Easter - various authors


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