God above all gods and goddesses
If your god can be a woman/"she", then you don't worship GOD, you worship a goddess.
Abba (Papa God - the God I worship) is not a goddess; Holy Spirit is not a goddess.
He is God above all gods and goddesses and LORD above all kings.
There IS the kind of questioning that comes from faith, based in the ecosystem of God's loving embrace and presence. AND THEN, there's the kind of questioning that is a subterfuge that seeks to undermine the unchangeable character and nature of the God (note I didn't say goddess), rewrite the annals of natural history, and erase the prophetic Word to inscribe some more pleasant destiny for those who trample upon the cross of Jesus. The second one can sometimes be candy-coated to appear like the first. Satan is, afterall, a deceiver. One is the questioning of a child of God which provokes faith, hope, and love for all of His precious revelation -- like Mary who wondered how she could have a child, since she was a virgin. The other is the kind of questioning that the Pharisees and religious leaders delivered, which is intended to provoke doubt, fear, unbelief, and rebellion -- ending in death. I went through a time of extreme questioning about 17 years ago, where every value and thought I had about the Bible and God were in question. Everything was on the table. God wasn't in question, but teachers and people certainly where, even family and friends. But I heard the faintest whisper from Nahum 1:7: "The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who trust in Him." It was like the tiniest of lights in a very dark, dark time. From this core value everything else I have re-learned from the Scripture and from Him has been shaped. His presence has guided me out of religious bondage and fear, even delivered me from believing lies and a spirit that tied me up. Originally, I was like a fish out of water, stillborn and lifeless. "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins." (Eph. 2:1). But He came and brought life to my dead body: "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you." But I was still in an environment that barely kept me alive. If I were honest, it was trying to kill me and almost did. I needed water to breathe, but could only survive by the miniscule drops I could scavenge away in secret. THEN, He placed me inside an ocean of His life and love -- an ecosystem where I can thrive and enjoy who He really is.
I am a messanger of hope.
God says, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope."
He wants to prosper us, to heal us, to make us reach our destiny, to have hope. But everyone has a choice -- to follow His plan, or to follow their own.
Jesus loves you and everything good you have has come from His hand -- He has given it to you to understand the richness of His love. His heart, and our heart, is for you to be blessed in every way, especially in your spirits. All He wants is everyone's love, since He loved everyone first and gave His life so our souls could be free -- free from depression or anxiety, free from sickness, free from fear, free from the love of money or personal image, free from pride and self-reliance, free from deceiving and being deceived. If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. We know that within your heart is a deep longing to know true purpose and understanding, but only from Him comes true enlightenment and ultimate, lasting peace. He alone IS loving kindness.
Our God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to God, has relationship with God, or even worships the RIGHT God without Jesus. Since He is the One who always provides everything we need or could ever want, we do not apologize for this in any manner. It is who we are and the way we are going to live, because we have been forever changed by His great love. We have lived as spiritual beings long enough to not be duped into naively thinking that all spirits are equal (or the religious text they have inspired are equal), or that they are congruent. In fact, there are many spirits which are contrary to the Holy Spirit and at enmity against Him in every way. There are more than 330 million gods and goddesses in India alone, and they all seek to be worshiped. But the Spirit inside of true Christians is more powerful than all of them, and more powerful than any other god. He demolishes arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of Him, and brings into captivity every thought to His obedience, subduing every false spirit and lie.
This is also true of the spirit behind pictures that pretend to be Jesus. It is not the spirit of Jesus. It is truly taking Jesus' name in vain, merely pretending to be Him. They puts words in His mouth that He never said. He always loved people away from sin and toward forgiveness, not merely loving them and leaving them (as the pseudo-Jesus, the zeitgeist, suggests). Jesus is alive and personal. He speaks to us, interacts with us and confronts us. People are left to choose -- trust what He says to them, or to go their own way. When Jesus challenges peoples' understanding (even now), some people change their mind. Other people change their god. This is their choice. God still loves them. We still love them, but love doesn't justify someones actions as being right or moral, as some wish it would. It is not the Savior who is holy, and loves everyone toward holiness (ie. "forgiven-ness"), away from every kind of immorality. This is the Jesus of the Bible, and the true Jesus. The spirit behind the false picture, is really the projection of a profane, condescending spirit that doesn't teach out of love, but tries to threaten and intimidate people into accepting evil and leaving people alone in darkness. If the Jesus you imagine only loves you and never encourages you to change what you think and who you are (to be holy), then your "Jesus" is merely a projection of your own self-image, intended to re-enforce xenophobia and self-protection.
The reason some cannot apologize or escape themselves and their hateful, accusations and intolerant remarks toward Jesus and Christians is because they cannot love. The One True God is love, and love cannot be found apart from Him. He who does not know God does not love. Love is a gift that the Holy Spirit gives, only through a work of Jesus in your heart. Others pretend, but only He holds love in His hand and gives it to all who will receive Him through believing in Jesus and confessing their faults, seeking His forgiveness.
Prayer thread: You are a God above all gods/goddesses and Lord above all kings. There is no Spirit but your HOLY Spirit. Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Expose every false and lying spirit! Expose every poser and spirit of Jezebel. Tear down the idols and gods and goddesses of human imaginations! "I will destroy all your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. I will destroy your idols and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands." We defy every spirit and image that rises up against the knowledge of the ONE TRUE GOD. We cast down imaginations/fictions and every high thing that sets itself in the place of God. We REBUKE these false spirits and lies in Jesus name. We declare You alone are God! You alone are God! You alone are God! And there is none else like you. You are not a man or a creation of man's mind. You are not a goddess. The Holy Spirit is not our "mother" -- the New Jerusalem is our mother. (Gal. 4:26) . You are our Father -- our Abba! Come and show yourself mighty and powerful! Reveal yourself for who you are! We bind the attacks and lies against us as we reveal your Truth. We bind the false spirits at work. Let the impartation of their doctrine fail. May it not land in one heart or spirit. Let your Spirit reveal truth -- that we cannot make You into an image that we wish for or think should be according to our own understanding. Rise up in power and authority above this, Father. Ignite your children as torches of sound doctrine and image bearers of Your presence. Like Moses stood before Jambres and Jannes, raise up powerful prophetic voices that defy the powers of Pharaoh and swallow up their snakes! Send fire from heaven and consume these living sacrifices, so that all the world may see that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only God. Come and annihilate the temples of every false god. Displace the demons in the hearts of every false prophet/ess with Your own Holy Spirit, so that there is none left in this land. I bind and rebuke every accusation or retaliation against me from these prayers. Rise up in my defense Lord. I seal it all in the blood of Jesus Christ the King of kings, Lord of lords, and God above all gods/goddesses.
Abba (Papa God - the God I worship) is not a goddess; Holy Spirit is not a goddess.
He is God above all gods and goddesses and LORD above all kings.
There IS the kind of questioning that comes from faith, based in the ecosystem of God's loving embrace and presence. AND THEN, there's the kind of questioning that is a subterfuge that seeks to undermine the unchangeable character and nature of the God (note I didn't say goddess), rewrite the annals of natural history, and erase the prophetic Word to inscribe some more pleasant destiny for those who trample upon the cross of Jesus. The second one can sometimes be candy-coated to appear like the first. Satan is, afterall, a deceiver. One is the questioning of a child of God which provokes faith, hope, and love for all of His precious revelation -- like Mary who wondered how she could have a child, since she was a virgin. The other is the kind of questioning that the Pharisees and religious leaders delivered, which is intended to provoke doubt, fear, unbelief, and rebellion -- ending in death. I went through a time of extreme questioning about 17 years ago, where every value and thought I had about the Bible and God were in question. Everything was on the table. God wasn't in question, but teachers and people certainly where, even family and friends. But I heard the faintest whisper from Nahum 1:7: "The LORD is good, a stronghold in the day of trouble. And He knows those who trust in Him." It was like the tiniest of lights in a very dark, dark time. From this core value everything else I have re-learned from the Scripture and from Him has been shaped. His presence has guided me out of religious bondage and fear, even delivered me from believing lies and a spirit that tied me up. Originally, I was like a fish out of water, stillborn and lifeless. "As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins." (Eph. 2:1). But He came and brought life to my dead body: "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you." But I was still in an environment that barely kept me alive. If I were honest, it was trying to kill me and almost did. I needed water to breathe, but could only survive by the miniscule drops I could scavenge away in secret. THEN, He placed me inside an ocean of His life and love -- an ecosystem where I can thrive and enjoy who He really is.
I am a messanger of hope.
God says, "I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and a hope."
He wants to prosper us, to heal us, to make us reach our destiny, to have hope. But everyone has a choice -- to follow His plan, or to follow their own.
Jesus loves you and everything good you have has come from His hand -- He has given it to you to understand the richness of His love. His heart, and our heart, is for you to be blessed in every way, especially in your spirits. All He wants is everyone's love, since He loved everyone first and gave His life so our souls could be free -- free from depression or anxiety, free from sickness, free from fear, free from the love of money or personal image, free from pride and self-reliance, free from deceiving and being deceived. If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed. We know that within your heart is a deep longing to know true purpose and understanding, but only from Him comes true enlightenment and ultimate, lasting peace. He alone IS loving kindness.
Our God is a God of gods and a Lord of kings, and a revealer of mysteries.
The Lord Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to God, has relationship with God, or even worships the RIGHT God without Jesus. Since He is the One who always provides everything we need or could ever want, we do not apologize for this in any manner. It is who we are and the way we are going to live, because we have been forever changed by His great love. We have lived as spiritual beings long enough to not be duped into naively thinking that all spirits are equal (or the religious text they have inspired are equal), or that they are congruent. In fact, there are many spirits which are contrary to the Holy Spirit and at enmity against Him in every way. There are more than 330 million gods and goddesses in India alone, and they all seek to be worshiped. But the Spirit inside of true Christians is more powerful than all of them, and more powerful than any other god. He demolishes arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of Him, and brings into captivity every thought to His obedience, subduing every false spirit and lie.
This is also true of the spirit behind pictures that pretend to be Jesus. It is not the spirit of Jesus. It is truly taking Jesus' name in vain, merely pretending to be Him. They puts words in His mouth that He never said. He always loved people away from sin and toward forgiveness, not merely loving them and leaving them (as the pseudo-Jesus, the zeitgeist, suggests). Jesus is alive and personal. He speaks to us, interacts with us and confronts us. People are left to choose -- trust what He says to them, or to go their own way. When Jesus challenges peoples' understanding (even now), some people change their mind. Other people change their god. This is their choice. God still loves them. We still love them, but love doesn't justify someones actions as being right or moral, as some wish it would. It is not the Savior who is holy, and loves everyone toward holiness (ie. "forgiven-ness"), away from every kind of immorality. This is the Jesus of the Bible, and the true Jesus. The spirit behind the false picture, is really the projection of a profane, condescending spirit that doesn't teach out of love, but tries to threaten and intimidate people into accepting evil and leaving people alone in darkness. If the Jesus you imagine only loves you and never encourages you to change what you think and who you are (to be holy), then your "Jesus" is merely a projection of your own self-image, intended to re-enforce xenophobia and self-protection.
The reason some cannot apologize or escape themselves and their hateful, accusations and intolerant remarks toward Jesus and Christians is because they cannot love. The One True God is love, and love cannot be found apart from Him. He who does not know God does not love. Love is a gift that the Holy Spirit gives, only through a work of Jesus in your heart. Others pretend, but only He holds love in His hand and gives it to all who will receive Him through believing in Jesus and confessing their faults, seeking His forgiveness.
Prayer thread: You are a God above all gods/goddesses and Lord above all kings. There is no Spirit but your HOLY Spirit. Yours is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory forever and ever. Let God arise and His enemies be scattered. Expose every false and lying spirit! Expose every poser and spirit of Jezebel. Tear down the idols and gods and goddesses of human imaginations! "I will destroy all your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells. I will destroy your idols and your sacred stones from among you; you will no longer bow down to the work of your hands." We defy every spirit and image that rises up against the knowledge of the ONE TRUE GOD. We cast down imaginations/fictions and every high thing that sets itself in the place of God. We REBUKE these false spirits and lies in Jesus name. We declare You alone are God! You alone are God! You alone are God! And there is none else like you. You are not a man or a creation of man's mind. You are not a goddess. The Holy Spirit is not our "mother" -- the New Jerusalem is our mother. (Gal. 4:26) . You are our Father -- our Abba! Come and show yourself mighty and powerful! Reveal yourself for who you are! We bind the attacks and lies against us as we reveal your Truth. We bind the false spirits at work. Let the impartation of their doctrine fail. May it not land in one heart or spirit. Let your Spirit reveal truth -- that we cannot make You into an image that we wish for or think should be according to our own understanding. Rise up in power and authority above this, Father. Ignite your children as torches of sound doctrine and image bearers of Your presence. Like Moses stood before Jambres and Jannes, raise up powerful prophetic voices that defy the powers of Pharaoh and swallow up their snakes! Send fire from heaven and consume these living sacrifices, so that all the world may see that the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob is the only God. Come and annihilate the temples of every false god. Displace the demons in the hearts of every false prophet/ess with Your own Holy Spirit, so that there is none left in this land. I bind and rebuke every accusation or retaliation against me from these prayers. Rise up in my defense Lord. I seal it all in the blood of Jesus Christ the King of kings, Lord of lords, and God above all gods/goddesses.
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