Where I Long to Remain

Where I Long to Remain

A place of freedom -- where God's voice is as clear as crystal, where I sense the pain and joy in others by the Holy Spirit and know just the word to speak to encourage them.  Where I feel I could speak anything from the whole counsel of God, regardless of the consequences, where the Word of God breathes on me conviction, encouragement, and truth.  Where temptation seems powerless in His presence and trials are beautiful reflections of my identity to Christ.  The world seems a passing shadow and a vanishing mist in light of my heart's awakening to His glory and soon-very-soon return.  Can I resist this love that lifts me, humbles me, pulls me, and pushes me.
The reality of His grace and unconditional love are unescapable, and I barely have to try to pray, to share Jesus, to love, to laugh, to cry, or prophecy.  Where those around me sense this same freedom, and nothing on earth could stop His wind and fire.  At any moment, at any time, anyone feels free to speak a Word from the Lord, or their own heart, to sing, to dance, to shout to God and worship in His presence, because all is led and directed in order by His Holy Spirit.  The Church moves in the world like a mighty, united spiritual force -- overcoming, defeating, and standing strong against the powers of darkness.  Peace and harmony flow in our hearts like a fountain, and fruit blooms from our lives as in Spring.

Grace -- remembering that His favor is not based upon how hard I strive, but simply upon His timing and will.


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