Lately I’ve encountered a significant number of people who are experiencing stomach disorders (ie. Acid reflux, indigestion, and even cancer). When the Holy Spirit leads me to pray for them I have discovered there is a common link among much of them – a bitter spirit.
Bitterness can result from unbelief – a quenching of the Holy Spirit - or denial of Truth (Hebrews 12:15), as in Peter’s case when he denied Christ 3 times and wept bitterly. It can also result from idolatry (Deut.29:17). It stems from anger, rage, harsh words, maliciousness, hate, hard-heartedness, unforgiveness, and resentment.
The solution for this bitterness is the sweet honey of the Holy Spirit.
“Instead be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ Jesus has forgiven you.” – Eph.4:32
Bitterness can also be a God-given burden, which is designed for a certain purpose: Job expressed the bitterness of his suffering and situation (Job 7:11), Jeremiah developed a bitterness toward the sin of his people (Jere 5:17). In Revelation, the prophet is told to eat a scroll, which is sweet to his mouth, but becomes bitter in his stomach.
God holds the solution for this, and we can discover the mystery through intercession and prayer.
Many times bitterness can be relieved through repentance, and faith - acting in the opposite spirit – love, delight, and forgiveness. Through worshipping God in faith (trusting what He says) and blessing others, instead of cursing them, we develop a sweet spirit, full of peace and the laughter and joy of His Spirit. When Moses brought the people of Israel out of the bitter slavery of Egypt, they came to a place called Marah (meaning “bitter” – also where we get the names Mary, Maria, etc.), because the waters there were bitter. God told Moses to cast a branch into the waters and the waters became sweet. This Branch was Jesus. He was cut off and cast into the bitter waters of our iniquity and bondage, so we could drink the sweet, life-giving water of His Holy Spirit.
May His Sweet Spirit fill you to overflowing, so that out of your belly flow rivers of fresh, living water,
Strong Warrior
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