Jesus Slogans
I found these slogans when I visited a site which created random slogans for your business; I typed in "Jesus" and here are some of the slogans it came up with (some are funny and others are very thought-provoking; I would love to see some of these outside on church reader-boards):
Jesus Stays Sharp 'til The Bottom of the Glass.
An Army of Jesus.
What Would You Do For A Jesus?
The real smell of Jesus.
Life should taste as good as Jesus.
Mum's gone to Jesus.
Exceedingly good Jesus.
Happiness is Jesus-shaped.
Jesus is our middle name.
Break me off a piece of that Jesus.
Why have cotton when you can have Jesus?
I'm stuck on Jesus, 'cause Jesus's stuck on me.
The lion goes from Jesus to Jesus.
Live in Your Jesus, play in ours.
Just one Jesus - give it to me!
Say it with Jesus.
I was a Jesus weakling.
My doctor says, "Jesus".
I can't believe it's not Jesus.
Great Jesus. Great times.
Obey your Jesus.
Get busy with the Jesus.
That'll be the Jesus.
I bet he drinks Jesus.
Things go better with Jesus.
Built Jesus tough.
You can do it when you Jesus it.
Hungy? Why wait? Grab a Jesus.
Don't live a little, live a Jesus.
It's a Jesus adventure.
Things happen after a Jesus.
Makes you feel Jesus again.
Come one, come all to Jesus.
For a hard-earned thirst, Jesus.
Super Jesus is almost here.
Be like Dad, keep Jesus.
Sometimes you feel like a Jesus, sometimes you don't.
The science of Jesus.
Ding-dong! Jesus calling!
All you add is Jesus.
If you can't beat Jesus, join Jesus.
Turn loose the Jesus.
The joy of Jesus.
Get in my Jesus.
Wait 'til we get our Jesus on you.
The man from Jesus, he says, "Yes"
Nobody does it like Jesus.
The Jesus of Champions.
The too good to hurry Jesus.
Make someone happy with a Jesus.
Semper Jesus.
Jesus saves your soul.
Jesus is what we do.
Jesus is so bracing.
The sweet you can't eat without Jesus.
I saw Jesus and I thought of you.
Fast Jesus and good for you.
If only everything in lif was as reliable as a Jesus.
Choosy mothers choose Jesus.
We all adore a Jesus.
You can do it when you Jesus it.
It's not TV. It's Jesus.
The Jesus that smiles back.
You too can have a Jesus like mine.
You need a Jesus.
Discover the Jesus difference.
Made in Scotland from Jesus.
The sweet you can eat in between meals, without ruining your Jesus.
Taste the Jesus.
Does she or doesn't she? Only her Jesus knows for sure.
Jesus born and bred.
151 countries, one Jesus.
Jesus. It's what's for dinner.
Make room for the Jesus.
There's first love, and there's Jesus love.
Moms like you choose Jesus.
Lightening the Jesus.
How do you eat YOUR Jesus?
Solutions for a small Jesus.
Good to the last Jesus.
Mama's got the magic of Jesus.
Nobody better lay a finger on my Jesus.
Jesus unscripted.
Come to life. Come to Jesus.
Jesus tested, Mother approved.
Gonna be a while? Grab a Jesus.
Everthing we do is driven by Jesus.
I liked the Jesus so much, I bought the company.
Aahh, Jesus!
He who thinks Jesus drinks Jesus.
This is not your Father's Jesus.
Monsieur, with this Jesus you are really spoiling us.
What's in your Jesus?
Reach out and touch Jesus.
Don't be vague. Ask for Jesus.
Obey your Jesus.
Daddy or Jesus?
Fresh from the Captain's Jesus.
Can't do it in real life? Do it with Jesus.
Put a Jesus in your tank.
Everyone's favourite Jesus.
I've seen the future, and it's Jesus-shaped.
Absolut Jesus.
So easy, no wonder Jesus is #1.
Do the Jesus.
Is it live, or is it Jesus?
Silly rabbit, Jesus is for kids.
Beware of expensive Jesus.
Reach for the Jesus.
"Always after me" Jesus.
Gee, your Jesu smells terrific.
Like Jesus. Like never before.
Jesus unplugged.
See the USA in your Jesus.
Better living through Jesus.
Say it with Jesus.
Yo quiero Jesus.
More Jesus please.
Come see the softer side of Jesus.
Get Jesus or get out.
Designed for Jesus.
Tonight, let it be Jesus.
Pardon me, do you have any Jesus?
Men can't help acting on Jesus.
Better ingredients, better Jesus.
You've got questions. We've got Jesus.
You can't top a Jesus.
The Jesus is mightier than the sword.
You deserve a Jesus today.
Let the Jesus begin.
Whatever you're into, get into Jesus.
For the Jesus you don't yet know.
Does you does, or does you don't take Jesus?
Wear Jesus.
Wow! I could have had a Jesus!
Break me off a piece of that Jesus!
Ask the man from Jesus.
The best part of waking up is Jesus in your cup.
The Jesus that refreshes.
Double the pleasure, double the Jesus.
Jesus - it looks good on you.
It's the bright one, it's the right one, that's Jesus.
There ain't no party like a Jesus party.
Look for the Jesus label.
I'd walk a mile for a Jesus.
The incredible, edible Jesus.
Go on, get your Jesus out.
America's most trusted Jesus.
The right Jesus at the right time.
Lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' acetastin' motivatin' good buzzin' cooltalkin' highwalkin' fastlivin' evergivin' coolfizzin' Jesus.
How resfreshing! How Jesus!
Change your whole Jesus.
Get the Jesus habit.
I think, therefore Jesus.
A taste for Jesus.
The Jesus that likes to say Yes.
There's no wrong way to eat a Jesus.
Snap! Crackle! Jesus!
You'll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Jesus.
Doing it right before your Jesus.
Have you forgotten how good Jesus tastes?
See the Jesus, feel the shine.
Leggo my Jesus!
Sharing the Jesus of your life.
A day without Jesus is like a day without sunshine.
The Jesus way to start the day.
Once driven, forever Jesus.
Pride of the Jesus for over a hundred years.
Have a Jesus and smile.
A different kind of company. A different kind of Jesus.
This is the age of the Jesus.
Oh hungry? Oh Jesus.
Where do you want Jesus to go today?
There's always room for Jesus.
It must be Jesus.
Every Jesus helps.
What can Jesus do for you?
It's that Jesus feeling.
I'd like to buy the world a Jesus.
See the face you love light up with Jesus.
Jesus is good for you.
A Jesus is forever.
It's Jesus time.
Let your Jesus do the walking.
You like Jesus. Jesus likes you.
Do you, uh, Jesus?
Watch out, there's a Jesus about.
Out of the strong came forth Jesus.
If you want to get ahead, get a Jesus.
Get serious. Get Jesus.
Jesus just feels right.
Get the Jesus out.
8 out of 10 Owners who expressed a preference said their cats preferred Jesus.
The best Jesus a man can get.
Have you forgotten how good Jesus tastes?
Try Jesus, you'll like it.
Jesus, take me away.
Think Jesus.
The Jesus goes straight to your head.
I'm only here for the Jesus.
P-P-P-Pick up a Jesus.
Let the Jesus take the strain.
When the going gets tough, the tough get Jesus.
The world's local Jesus.
It's DIFFERENT in a Jesus.
Only Jesus can prevent forest fires.
Wow! I could have had a Jesus!
Strong enought for a man, made for a Jesus.
Let's face the music and Jesus.
Have you had your Jesus today?
Easy, breezy, beautiful Jesus.
No Jesus, no comment.
Only a fool breaks the Jesus.
Show me the Jesus!
I feel like Jesus tonight.
Splash Jesus all over.
Nothin' says lovin' like Jesus from the oven.
New thinking. New Jesus.
Only Jesus has the answer.
Jesus - it does a body good.
Hand-built by Jesus.
Great Jesus. Great times.
Drinka pinta Jesus a day.
Good honest Jesus since before day 1.
Savour the flavour of Jesus.
Feel the Jesus.
A Jesus a day helps you work, rest, and play.
Have a break. Have a Jesus.
They drink Jesus in the Congo.
Would you give someone your last Jesus?
Avez-vous un Jesus?
Any time, any place, Jesus.
Make Jesus yours.
Schhh....You know Jesus.
Jesus-lickin' good.
Don't say brown, say "Jesus".
Promise her anything, but give her Jesus.
The Jesus breakfast.
If you really want to know, look in the Jesus.
Nothing work better than a Jesus.
Got a Jesus? You're in luck.
Puts the Jesus in Britain.
For a hard-earned thirst, Jesus.
Prepare to want Jesus.
Don't get mad, get Jesus.
Mamma mia, that'sa spicy Jesus!
Jesus Stays Sharp 'til The Bottom of the Glass.
An Army of Jesus.
What Would You Do For A Jesus?
The real smell of Jesus.
Life should taste as good as Jesus.
Mum's gone to Jesus.
Exceedingly good Jesus.
Happiness is Jesus-shaped.
Jesus is our middle name.
Break me off a piece of that Jesus.
Why have cotton when you can have Jesus?
I'm stuck on Jesus, 'cause Jesus's stuck on me.
The lion goes from Jesus to Jesus.
Live in Your Jesus, play in ours.
Just one Jesus - give it to me!
Say it with Jesus.
I was a Jesus weakling.
My doctor says, "Jesus".
I can't believe it's not Jesus.
Great Jesus. Great times.
Obey your Jesus.
Get busy with the Jesus.
That'll be the Jesus.
I bet he drinks Jesus.
Things go better with Jesus.
Built Jesus tough.
You can do it when you Jesus it.
Hungy? Why wait? Grab a Jesus.
Don't live a little, live a Jesus.
It's a Jesus adventure.
Things happen after a Jesus.
Makes you feel Jesus again.
Come one, come all to Jesus.
For a hard-earned thirst, Jesus.
Super Jesus is almost here.
Be like Dad, keep Jesus.
Sometimes you feel like a Jesus, sometimes you don't.
The science of Jesus.
Ding-dong! Jesus calling!
All you add is Jesus.
If you can't beat Jesus, join Jesus.
Turn loose the Jesus.
The joy of Jesus.
Get in my Jesus.
Wait 'til we get our Jesus on you.
The man from Jesus, he says, "Yes"
Nobody does it like Jesus.
The Jesus of Champions.
The too good to hurry Jesus.
Make someone happy with a Jesus.
Semper Jesus.
Jesus saves your soul.
Jesus is what we do.
Jesus is so bracing.
The sweet you can't eat without Jesus.
I saw Jesus and I thought of you.
Fast Jesus and good for you.
If only everything in lif was as reliable as a Jesus.
Choosy mothers choose Jesus.
We all adore a Jesus.
You can do it when you Jesus it.
It's not TV. It's Jesus.
The Jesus that smiles back.
You too can have a Jesus like mine.
You need a Jesus.
Discover the Jesus difference.
Made in Scotland from Jesus.
The sweet you can eat in between meals, without ruining your Jesus.
Taste the Jesus.
Does she or doesn't she? Only her Jesus knows for sure.
Jesus born and bred.
151 countries, one Jesus.
Jesus. It's what's for dinner.
Make room for the Jesus.
There's first love, and there's Jesus love.
Moms like you choose Jesus.
Lightening the Jesus.
How do you eat YOUR Jesus?
Solutions for a small Jesus.
Good to the last Jesus.
Mama's got the magic of Jesus.
Nobody better lay a finger on my Jesus.
Jesus unscripted.
Come to life. Come to Jesus.
Jesus tested, Mother approved.
Gonna be a while? Grab a Jesus.
Everthing we do is driven by Jesus.
I liked the Jesus so much, I bought the company.
Aahh, Jesus!
He who thinks Jesus drinks Jesus.
This is not your Father's Jesus.
Monsieur, with this Jesus you are really spoiling us.
What's in your Jesus?
Reach out and touch Jesus.
Don't be vague. Ask for Jesus.
Obey your Jesus.
Daddy or Jesus?
Fresh from the Captain's Jesus.
Can't do it in real life? Do it with Jesus.
Put a Jesus in your tank.
Everyone's favourite Jesus.
I've seen the future, and it's Jesus-shaped.
Absolut Jesus.
So easy, no wonder Jesus is #1.
Do the Jesus.
Is it live, or is it Jesus?
Silly rabbit, Jesus is for kids.
Beware of expensive Jesus.
Reach for the Jesus.
"Always after me" Jesus.
Gee, your Jesu smells terrific.
Like Jesus. Like never before.
Jesus unplugged.
See the USA in your Jesus.
Better living through Jesus.
Say it with Jesus.
Yo quiero Jesus.
More Jesus please.
Come see the softer side of Jesus.
Get Jesus or get out.
Designed for Jesus.
Tonight, let it be Jesus.
Pardon me, do you have any Jesus?
Men can't help acting on Jesus.
Better ingredients, better Jesus.
You've got questions. We've got Jesus.
You can't top a Jesus.
The Jesus is mightier than the sword.
You deserve a Jesus today.
Let the Jesus begin.
Whatever you're into, get into Jesus.
For the Jesus you don't yet know.
Does you does, or does you don't take Jesus?
Wear Jesus.
Wow! I could have had a Jesus!
Break me off a piece of that Jesus!
Ask the man from Jesus.
The best part of waking up is Jesus in your cup.
The Jesus that refreshes.
Double the pleasure, double the Jesus.
Jesus - it looks good on you.
It's the bright one, it's the right one, that's Jesus.
There ain't no party like a Jesus party.
Look for the Jesus label.
I'd walk a mile for a Jesus.
The incredible, edible Jesus.
Go on, get your Jesus out.
America's most trusted Jesus.
The right Jesus at the right time.
Lipsmackin' thirstquenchin' acetastin' motivatin' good buzzin' cooltalkin' highwalkin' fastlivin' evergivin' coolfizzin' Jesus.
How resfreshing! How Jesus!
Change your whole Jesus.
Get the Jesus habit.
I think, therefore Jesus.
A taste for Jesus.
The Jesus that likes to say Yes.
There's no wrong way to eat a Jesus.
Snap! Crackle! Jesus!
You'll wonder where the yellow went, when you brush your teeth with Jesus.
Doing it right before your Jesus.
Have you forgotten how good Jesus tastes?
See the Jesus, feel the shine.
Leggo my Jesus!
Sharing the Jesus of your life.
A day without Jesus is like a day without sunshine.
The Jesus way to start the day.
Once driven, forever Jesus.
Pride of the Jesus for over a hundred years.
Have a Jesus and smile.
A different kind of company. A different kind of Jesus.
This is the age of the Jesus.
Oh hungry? Oh Jesus.
Where do you want Jesus to go today?
There's always room for Jesus.
It must be Jesus.
Every Jesus helps.
What can Jesus do for you?
It's that Jesus feeling.
I'd like to buy the world a Jesus.
See the face you love light up with Jesus.
Jesus is good for you.
A Jesus is forever.
It's Jesus time.
Let your Jesus do the walking.
You like Jesus. Jesus likes you.
Do you, uh, Jesus?
Watch out, there's a Jesus about.
Out of the strong came forth Jesus.
If you want to get ahead, get a Jesus.
Get serious. Get Jesus.
Jesus just feels right.
Get the Jesus out.
8 out of 10 Owners who expressed a preference said their cats preferred Jesus.
The best Jesus a man can get.
Have you forgotten how good Jesus tastes?
Try Jesus, you'll like it.
Jesus, take me away.
Think Jesus.
The Jesus goes straight to your head.
I'm only here for the Jesus.
P-P-P-Pick up a Jesus.
Let the Jesus take the strain.
When the going gets tough, the tough get Jesus.
The world's local Jesus.
It's DIFFERENT in a Jesus.
Only Jesus can prevent forest fires.
Wow! I could have had a Jesus!
Strong enought for a man, made for a Jesus.
Let's face the music and Jesus.
Have you had your Jesus today?
Easy, breezy, beautiful Jesus.
No Jesus, no comment.
Only a fool breaks the Jesus.
Show me the Jesus!
I feel like Jesus tonight.
Splash Jesus all over.
Nothin' says lovin' like Jesus from the oven.
New thinking. New Jesus.
Only Jesus has the answer.
Jesus - it does a body good.
Hand-built by Jesus.
Great Jesus. Great times.
Drinka pinta Jesus a day.
Good honest Jesus since before day 1.
Savour the flavour of Jesus.
Feel the Jesus.
A Jesus a day helps you work, rest, and play.
Have a break. Have a Jesus.
They drink Jesus in the Congo.
Would you give someone your last Jesus?
Avez-vous un Jesus?
Any time, any place, Jesus.
Make Jesus yours.
Schhh....You know Jesus.
Jesus-lickin' good.
Don't say brown, say "Jesus".
Promise her anything, but give her Jesus.
The Jesus breakfast.
If you really want to know, look in the Jesus.
Nothing work better than a Jesus.
Got a Jesus? You're in luck.
Puts the Jesus in Britain.
For a hard-earned thirst, Jesus.
Prepare to want Jesus.
Don't get mad, get Jesus.
Mamma mia, that'sa spicy Jesus!
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